Kiełek-Rataj, Ewa2024-02-092024-02-092013Family Forum, 2013, T. 3, s. 97-112.2084-1698 tabele i wykresy.This study examined the association between religiosity and marital satisfaction. One hundred and twenty husbands and wives completed a 30-item religiosity scale and a questionnaire measuring marital satisfaction. Findings were that wife’s religious behavioural practices, the number o f children, and the husband’s faith were statistically significant (p < .05 and p < .01) predictors o f the husband’s martial satisfaction. The study also found that wife’s religious behavioural practices and the husband’s educational attainment were statistically significant predictors (p < .01 and p < .05) of the wife’s marital satisfaction. Interaction effects showed that the combination o f husband and wife religiosity combined in interesting ways to predict martial satisfaction, over and above the main effects described above. The ultimate aim o f this study was to inform marital and other therapists on the role of religiosity in promoting marital satisfaction.plAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland satisfactionsatysfakcja ze związkumarital satisfactionsatysfakcja z małżeństwapersonal religiosityreligijność personalnamałżeństwomarriagereligijnośćreligiousnessKwestionariusz Dobranego MałżeństwaGood Marriage QuestionnairekwestionariuszquestionnairesakramentysacramentsReligijność personalna a satysfakcja z małżeństwaPersonal religiosity and marital satisfactionArticle