Sołtys, Andrzej2024-02-092024-02-092008Roczniki Teologiczne, 2008, T. 55, z. 9, s. 91-105.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.The article refers to the discussion on the cognitive function of the language of religion. In it the author looks for an answer to the following questions: What is the language of religion? Does it have a cognitive function? He answers the questions by defining the meaning of the term “language of religion” and by analyzing the logical structure of the language. Discussing the concept of the language of religion he demonstrates that the language of religion performs the cognitive function as it has an axiomatic structure and is governed by logical and hermeneutical rules of meaning.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandógjęzyk religijnyjęzyk Objawieniajęzyk wiaryjęzyk teologiilogika językastruktura językafunkcja językaznaczenie językalogiczna analizareguły językajęzykcharakterystyka języka religijnegologiczna charakterystyka języka religijnegoteologiawiaraObjawienie BożereligiaGodlanguage of Revelationlanguage of faithlanguage of theologylogic of languagelanguage structurefunction of languagemeaning of languagelogical analysisrules of languagelanguagecharacteristics of religious languagelogical characteristics of religious languagetheologyfaithGod's revelationreligionreligious languageLogiczna charakterystyka języka religijnegoLogical Characterization of the Language of ReligionArticle