Kamiński, Jarosław2023-06-262023-06-262010Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2010, T. 2 (57), s. 105-119.2081-1829http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/8645Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tomasz Pałkowski.The article discusses the continuous process of preparing the youth for marriage and family life, occurring in three stages: remote, proximate and immediate. Remote preparation commences already in childhood and hinges on gaining suitable knowledge and desirable attitudes towards marriage and family life. Proximate preparation covers high-school students and constitutes a kind of pre-marital catechesis, realized both in the school and parish. Immediate preparation is addressed chiefly to future married couples who are only several months from concluding marriage and establishing a family. Thorough preparation at the three stages influences not only the condition of the modern family but also future of the Church and all human beings.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/przygotowanie do małżeństwaprzygotowanie do życia w rodzinieprzygotowanie dalszeprzygotowanie bliższeprzygotowanie bezpośredniemałżeństworodzinaKościółnauczaniekatechezakatechizacjakatecheza przedmałżeńskaduszpasterstwoopieka duszpasterskanarzeczeństwoparafialne poradnictwo rodzinnepreparation for marriagepreparation for family liferemote preparationproximate preparationimmediate preparationmarriagefamilyChurchteachingcatechesiscatechizationpremarital catechesisministrypastoral careengagementparish family counsellingżycie w rodzinielife in the familyKościół katolickiCatholic ChurchMagisterium KościołaPrzygotowanie do małżeństwa i życia w rodzinie w nauczaniu Kościoła katolickiegoPreparation for Marriage and Life in Family in Teaching of the Catholic ChurchArticle