Jeżyna, Krzysztof2024-03-152024-03-152011Roczniki Teologii Moralnej, 2011, T. 3(58), s. 95-111.2081-1810 translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.The Conciliar revival of the vision of the Church and of vocation had enhanced the status of the communal character of Christian life. The community of the Church is a necessary milieu for religious and moral life of Christians. It is in the Church that the encounter with the saving God takes place, and owing to the sacraments a man is sanctified. Sacramental grace gives rise to moral obligations, and moral life requires turning gifts and obligations that issue from sacraments into actual deeds. This means that sacramental gifts indicate the moral imperative, and moral life acquires the style of sacramental life. One of the most important moral imperatives of sacramental life is its communal dimension.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandólnota KościoławspólnotaKościółmoralne przesłanie sakramentówmoralnośćsacramentscommunity of the ChurchcommunityChurchmoral message of sacramentsmoralityecclesiologyeklezjologiateologiatheologyEklezjalny wymiar sakramentówThe Ecclesial Dimension of SacramentsArticle