Cholewa, MarcinGilski, MarekMieczkowski, Janusz2023-02-022023-02-022011Polonia Sacra, 2011, R. 15 (33), Nr 29 (73), s. 151-163.1428-5673 tabele.The involvement of John Paul II in canonization issues was expressed in two dimensions. The first referred to his legislative activity, i.e. setting norms for canonization proceedings, and the latter concerned the declaration of the blessed and saints. The aim of this article is to answer how many parishes of the Archdiocese of Krakow have been entrusted to the care of those declared saints and blessed by John Paul II.The following conclusions have been drawn on the basis of the conducted analysis: – 26 beatifications and 9 canonizations took place during the pontificate ofjohn Paul II. – Out of 186 parishes of the Archdiocese of Krakow founded in the years 1979-2010, 62 of them (33 per cent) were dedicated to the blessed and saints, including 21 (11 per cent) dedicated to those beatified and canonized by John Paul II. – Through beatification and canonizationjohn Paul II emphasized an exceptional role of the saints involved in the works of mercy. The former tradition addressed mainly the importance of martyrdom. This new approach is reflected in current patronage practices (patrocinium).plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandświęcibłogosławieniparafiearchidiecezjearchidiecezja krakowskaKrakówhistoriahistoria KościołaJan Paweł IIKarol WojtyłapapieżekapłaniduchowieństwobeatificationcanonisationsaintsblessedparishesarchdiocesesCracowhistoryChurch historyJohn Paul IIpopesclergypriesthoodproces kanonizacyjnyproces beatyfikacyjnycanonisation processbeatification processRecepcja beatyfikacji i kanonizacji a tytuły parafii erygowanych w Archidiecezji Krakowskiej w latach 1978-2010The reception beatification and canonization versus the names of parishes founded in the Archdiocese of Krakow in the years 1978-2010Article