Drawnel, Henryk2024-11-252024-11-252024The Biblical Annals, 2024, T. 14, nr 3, s. 399-422.2451-21682083-2222https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/24214Artykuł w języku angielskim.The Aramaic description of the flood in 1 En. 89:1–9 has survived in two fragments from Qumran (4Q206 frg. 8 Iand frg. 9), which contain ashorter text than the Ethiopic translation. This article is an analysis of the presentation of the figure of Noah in the longer version of the Ethiopic Animal Apocalypse in the context of the Ethiopic Book of Enoch and in relation to Mesopotamian traditions associated with the flood. After being told the secret about the flood by a“man” (an angel), Noah, the white bull, works as acarpenter and builds a huge boat. After the flood, transformed into a“man” (asupernatural figure in the symbolism of the Animal Apocalypse), he leaves his three sons. This description of Noah brings him closer to the main characters of the flood in Mesopotamian sources.enCC-BY - Uznanie autorstwaOld Testament pseudepigraphaEthiopic EnochAnimal ApocalypsefloodNoahMesopotamian flood mythBibleextra-biblical textspseudepigraphaapocryphaapocryphal literatureOld TestamentBook of Henochnon-canonical booksflood account in the Apocalypse of Animalsapocalyptic literatureOld Testament apocryphabiblical studiesexegesisbiblical exegesisNoah in the Apocalypse of AnimalsmythMesopotamian mythsmythologyMesopotamian mythology1 Enoch1 En. 89:1-9Dead Sea Scrollsmanuscriptsmanuscripts from Qumranpseudoepigrafy Starego Testamentuetiopski HenochApokalipsa zwierzątpotopNoemezopotamski mit o potopieBibliaPismo Święteteksty pozabiblijnepseudoepigrafyapokryfliteratura apokryficznaStary TestamentKsięga Henochaksięgi niekanonicznerelacja o potopie w Apokalipsie zwierzątliteratura apokaliptycznaapokryfy Starego Testamentubiblistykaegzegezaegzegeza biblijnaNoe w Apokalipsie zwierzątmitmity mezopotamskiemitologiamitologia mezopotamskazwoje znad Morza Martwegorękopisymanuskryptyrękopisy z QumranQumranNoah in the Animal Apocalypse (1 En. 89:1–9)Article