Sawuła, Agnieszka2024-01-312024-01-312007Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 10, s. 227-238.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.The breakthrough between the of post-infancy and pre-school periods, that is the 2nd and 3rd year of a child’s life, is the time when gradually, but ever more strongly, the child’s will and desire to be independent begins to be revealed. This is why it is then that the proper moment appears for supporting the child with respect to development of independence and responsibility. Childcare procedures described by educational pedagogy in the rules of: optimization of the care, the child’s active participation in education, and educational influencing the child’s needs, may be a special aid in this field. Among the many factors that influence the level and range of application of the above rules by parents in educating their children, the influence is best seen with respect to the indices of the parent’s sex and the child’s sex, which has been found on the basis of empirical studies. The results of these studies show that 2 or 3-year-old boys are more often supported in developing their independence by means of praise or encouragement than girls of the same age. At the same time this constructive attitude towards their sons was more often displayed by fathers than by mothers. Although social psychology, pointing to the effect of stereotypes connected with the sex on education, sheds some light on the etiology of these differences, education and psychological-pedagogical aid to parents seems an equally important factor, so that parents can support their children on their way to independence and growing up to responsibility irrespective of their sex.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandśćodpowiedzialnośćopieka optymalnaopiekaczynny udziałpotrzebyproces wychowaniawychowanierozwój samodzielnościrozwój odpowiedzialnościrozwójdziecirodzinanauki o rodzinieindependenceresponsibilityoptimum carecareactive participationneedseducational processupbringingdevelopment of independencedevelopment of responsibilitydevelopmentchildrenfamilyfamily studiessposoby wspierania rozwojuways of promoting developmentdevelopment supportSposoby wspierania rozwoju samodzielności i odpowiedzialności 2-, 3-letnich dzieci w rodzinie w świetle badańWays of Supporting the Development of Independence And Responsibility in 2-, 3-Year-Old Children in a Family in Light of StudiesArticle