Solak, Adam2024-04-232024-04-232004Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2004, T. 23, s. 349-358.0239-4472 is one of many processes happening in every man’s life. However, it is a turning point in every individual’s existence because the man starts to lead his or her own life in a responsible way. Despite of the fact that the process depands mainly on the individuals’ strenght and their efforts. It’s also conditions by many other inner and exterior factors. One of the three institutions which influence the process of self-education of the young by their educational attitude beside a family and school is ecclesiastical environment. Ecclesiastical environment has got a very wide range of influences on the process of selfeducation. The aim of the article is to show the important planes of ecclesiastical society used for self-education of the young in historical context (that is God’s plan of salvation), sacramental and in prayer contexts, taking into consideration ecclesiastical groups.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandśrodowisko eklezjalneeklezjologiaKościółsamowychowanie młodzieżysamowychowaniemłodzieżmodlitwasakramentyhistoriahistoria zbawieniazbawieniechrzestchrześcijaństwochrześcijanieEucharystiaformacjaecclesiastical environmentecclesiologyChurchself-developmentyouth self-developmentyouthprayersacramentshistoryhistory of salvationsalvationbaptismChristianityChristiansEucharistformationteologia pastoralnapastoral theologyself-educationŚrodowisko eklezjalne a samowychowanie młodzieżyEcclesiastical Environment and the Problems Connected with Self-Education of the YoungArticle