Siemieniewski, Andrzej2025-01-282025-01-282007Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 20, s. 293-309.0137-4341 the Catholic approach to the New Age phenomenon one observes tendency to focus the critics on the religious aspect of this new spiritual movement, especially when taken from Eastern religions. Yet the elements based on contemporary science are as important to the New Age as the typically religious ones. Therefore it seems important to stress the fact that science deprived of the guiding light of faith and morality can easily be misled and thus can serve not so much the human welfare as rather interests of totalitarian regimes. A historical example is here reflected upon: science in service of Adolf Hitler’s regime. The philosophical aspect is added, namely how the Nietzsche’s philosophy was used to serve the Nazi purposes in cooperation with both the high technology and medicine together with eugenics.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychnaukanauki ścisłenauki przyrodniczeideologiaideologie totalitarnetotalitaryzmdarwinizmnietzscheanizmpolitykakomunizmczłowiekwartość człowiekarasy ludzkiezłonazizmpropagandaewolucjastudysciencenatural sciencesideologytotalitarian ideologiestotalitarianismDarwinismNietzscheanismpoliticscommunismhumanhuman valuehuman racesevilNazismevolutionNauka w rękach ideologówScience in the Hands of IdeologistsArticle