Trąbka, Jan2022-07-142022-07-142004Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2004, nr 1, s. 116-143.1731-0555 an essence. To discuss the undefined problem of an essence there were devoted five chapters. In the first three tried to describe its idea as the externally observed, objective - sensualistic features. In the last ones there decided to consider the subjective and experienced notions of an essence. Its comprehension required to include necessarily problem of consciousness. Its including into deliberating not only enable thinking of the essence from the microscopic, wave-quant point of view, but also allowed looking for it outside the brain i.e. in the stereo-consciousness of the universum.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland KantepistemologiaepistemologypsychologiapsychologyfenomenologiaphenomenologylingwistykaegzystencjalizmmózgnaturanatureneurologiaświadomośćlinguisticsneurologyconsciousnessRozważania o istocieAbout The EssenceArticle