Nocko, Paweł2024-02-272024-02-272013Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne, 2013, T. 4 (60), s. 139-149.2080-6337 tłumaczenia streszczenia / Summary translated by Konrad Klimkowski.The teaching of Benedict XVI during the celebration of Holy Orders or during other celebrations confirms the theological truth about the central role of laying hands and prayer in the rites of Holy Orders. The pope puts emphasis on the complete submersion of the presbyter into Christ and His life. This entails participating in the mission that Christ assigned to his disciples. Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the presbyter is anointed and consecrated, that is sacrificed to God. This translates onto his being at full disposal to God and the Church. The presbyter should confirm this disposal each day of his service. In his reflection on the meaning of the rites of Holy Orders (vesting and anointing of hands), the pope points out an analogy between the Sacrament of Baptism and of Holy Orders. Vesting of the new clothes is vesting of Christ. These new garments also confirm the ordinand’s saying “yes” to the Saviour through his participation in the Sacrament. The analysis of prayers that formerly accompanied the rite of vesting helps assess the spiritual discipline of the presbyter, which is needed if he is to remain an authentic witness and servant of Christ. The presbyter’s instruments of service are his hands, anointed with the oil of holy chrism. These hands are responsible for passing the Divine touch to the world. The rite of anointing makes the presbyter participate in the act of anointing of Christ.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland święceńprezbiterzykapłaniduchowieństwonałożenie rąkmodlitwa święceńkonsekracjanamaszczenieszaty kapłańskiehomiliasacrament of Holy Orderspresbytersclergypriesthoodimposition of handsprayer of ordinationconsecrationanointingsacerdotal garmentshomilyświęceniaordinationBenedykt XVIBenedict XVIpapieżepopesTożsamość prezbitera w świetle wybranych homilii Benedykta XVI (2005-2011)Presbyter’s Identity in the Light of Selected Homilies by Benedict XVI (2005-2011)Article