Rółkowska, Maria2024-10-282024-10-282010Studia Ełckie, 2010, T. 12, s. 221-227.1896-6896https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/22674Although there are more and more binational families in Poland, this subject is hardly present in Polish press and in a very superficial way. The author focuses on Polish-Italian families which are shown in press by culinare topics (specially Tessa Capponi-Borowska – Italian who has lived in Poland for more than 20 years). Fortunately, at the background of the articles it is possible to find a few information about intercultural communication in these kind of families: ways of strategies of acculturation and ways of bringing up children. The author also hopes that this topic will be more and more popular in Polish media because binational families are one of the elements of new, intercultural reality of XXI century.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychprasapressśrodki masowego przekazumass mediakultura kulinarnaculinary culturekulturaculturekulinariaculinarysztuka kulinarnacookerygastronomiagastronomygotowaniecookingkomunikacjacommunicationkomunikacja międzykulturowacross-cultural communicationrodzinafamilyrodzina wielonarodowościowamultinational familyrodzina binacjonalnabinational familyTessa Capponi-BorowskaKulturowo-kulinarne fusion, czyli rodziny binacjonalne – jako przykład komunikowania międzykulturowego – w świetle prasy polskiejCultural and Culinare Fusion – Binational Families, as an Example of Intercultural Communication, in the Light of Polish PressArticle