Pabjan, Tadeusz2024-04-262024-04-262005Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2005, T. 24, cz. 1, s. 99-109.0239-4472 paper deals with the biblical cosmology, presenting some ideas of the inspired authors on the structure of the world. Since there are very explicit connections between biblical cosmology and cosmogony, the conception of world’s origination, as pictured in Genesis 1, is introduced in the first part of the paper. The main characteristics of the biblical conception of the world are discussed in the second section, whereas the third one points to some possible influences of Greek philosophy on both the Old and New Testament.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland koncepcja wszechświatakosmologiakosmoskosmologia biblijnafilozofiafilozofia greckabiblijny obraz światawszechświatwszechświat w BibliiBibliaPismo Święteświatbiblical conception of the universecosmologycosmosbiblical cosmologyphilosophyGreek philosophybiblical world viewuniverseuniverse in the BibleBibleworldNowy TestamentNew TestamentOld TestamentStary TestamentBiblijna koncepcja wszechświataBiblical Conception of the UniverseArticle