Lemański, Janusz2024-10-012024-10-012002Verbum Vitae, 2002, T. 2, s. 49-64.1644-85612451-280Xhttps://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/21057The message of Is 52,7-10 is determined by declaration made in v. 7bB: your God has begun his reign. This statement introduces reality which may be recognised and realized through peace, good and salvation, gifts offered to God’s chosen people (v. 7bA). The reason why it is possible and actually happens is because God comforts and redeems His people (v.9). The new kingship is so splendourous that even the ends of the earth can witness salvation of our Lord (v. 10b). Contents of this God Tidings is similar to what christians call Gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom 10,15). In this article the theological closeness between Is 52,7-10 and the proclamation of Jesus Christ is strongly emphasised.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychDobra NowinaEwangeliaKsięga IzajaszaDeutero-IzajaszIz 52BibliaPismo ŚwięteteologiaStary Testamentanaliza egzegetycznaegzegezaegzegeza biblijnabiblistykaGood NewsGospelBook of IsaiahDeutero-IsaiahBibletheologyOld Testamentexegetical analysisexegesisbiblical exegesisbiblical studiesDobra Nowina według Deutero-Izajasza (Iz 52,7-10)Article