Woźniak, Robert2023-08-292023-08-292007Analecta Cracoviensia, 2006-2007, t. 38-39, s. 367-394.0209-0864http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/10327The article treats the topic of the centrality of Christology in the Christian theology. It does it from the perspective of the analysis of the relation of Jesus to the Father and to the Holy Spirit. I argue that theology should take into account the truth of the Trinitarian shape of the whole body of reveled truth. In such a view one can speak of dynamic-centrality of Christology in theology. This perspective does not exclude Christ from the centre of theology but relocate him in new Trinitarian theological paradigm. From this standpoint I analyze some historical models of the understanding of Christology’s role in doclrina sacra. Among them two have an argumentative importance: Bonaventure and Hans Urs von Balthasar. In what follows I stress the arguments of contemporary theologians like O. Gonzáles de Cardedal and A. Gesché as well.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/chrystocentryzmteologiaJezus ChrystusKościółwyznanie wiaryteologia trynitarnachrystologiaTrójca Świętahistoria teologiichrystomonizmBógBóg OjciecSyn BożyDuch ŚwiętyBibliaPismo ŚwięteBonawentura z BagnoregioHans Urs von BalthasarChristocentrismtheologyJesus ChristChurchCreedTrinitarian theologyChristologyHoly Trinityhistory of theologyChristomonismGodGod the FatherSon of GodHoly SpiritBibleBonaventure of Bagnoregiogramatyka chrystologicznaChristological grammarwiarafaithChrystocentryzm teologii chrześcijańskiej. Chrystologiczna gramatyka kościelnego wyznania wiary w perspektywie trynitarnejThe Christocentrism of Christian Theology. The Christological Grammar of the Church’s Confession of Faith from the Trinitarian PerspectiveArticle