Zięba, Paweł2024-11-192024-11-192016Studia Ełckie, 2016, T. 18, nr 4, s. 420-430.1896-68962353-1274https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/23819The article addresses the issue of peace in the world, particularly through an appeal to care for all those who suffer from armed conflicts and who, for this and other reasons, decide to leave their homes. The involvement of the Catholic Church in providing help to the victims of armed conflicts is the subject of the article, in which, on the basis of the support provided for families in Ukraine and evacuated to Poland, the author attempts to demonstrate the practical dimension of the Church teaching on this subject. The paper analyses the biblical guidance concerning aid to newcomers and foreigners, and the teaching of the Catholic Church on refugees and migrants. An appeal addressed to Catholics to support those harmed by armed conflicts in their home country and all migrants and refugees is presented. The article shows how the appeal derived from the Catholic teaching is implemented in practice by helping the sufferers from Ukraine. The aid to the persons evacuated from Donbas provided at the first stage of their adaptation to Poland by Caritas of the Warmian Archdiocese is analysed in detail.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychCatholic Churcharmed conflictCaritasmigrationKościół katolickikonflikt zbrojnymigracjawojna w Ukrainiewar in Ukrainedziałalność charytatywnacharitable workorganizacje charytatywnecharitable organisationswsparcie rodzinyfamily supportpomoc rodziniefamily assistanceUkraińcyUkrainiansZaangażowanie Kościoła Katolickiego w pomoc ofiarom konfliktów zbrojnych (na przykładzie wsparcia rodzin na Ukrainie oraz ewakuowanych do Polski)The Involvement of the Catholic Church in Providing Help to the Victims of Armed Conflicts (A Case Study of the Support Provided for Families in Ukraine and Those Evacuated to Poland)Article