Kulpaczyński, Stanisław2024-01-162024-01-161990Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1990, T. 37, z. 6, s. 57-68.0035-7723http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/12441Tłumaczenie streszczenia Jan Kłos.The paper takes up the problem of audiovisual means which are offered by manuals and catechetical materials set up within the framework of the Polish catechetical programme. Those means are promote by the Directorium Catcchisticum Generale for 1971, especially as documents and images of a posilive spiritual power. Firstly, the characteristics of the mentality of an audiovisual man have been presente shortly. That man has a larger body and enlarged senses – his reactions being more selective and less analytical then. Yet using the audiovisual means considerably increases the degree of absorbing information. Theologians point out that the new language of audiovisual means has to promote the development of faith and that by making interpersonal contacts possible. P. Babin fosters the use of those means in catechcsis, but in the same breath he pinpoints that one should not abandon personal contacts. Those means should be joined with God's Word and one should make a right choice. The sound is a self-sustaining and many-layered element (silence, noise, rythm, song, interview). The image is a certain, finite in terms of its subject-matter, whole and it bears large margins of subjective interpretation. Sounds and images have to be appropriately selected and set up. J. Chrapka's studies on the youth's reception of tv programmes have been outlined here. Three type are distinguished in those studies, i.e. uncritical, selective and disapproving of what can be seen on tv. The audiovisual means within the framework of the Polish catechetical programme have been shown on the basis of Z. Lalo's studies (primary school) and the author's own analysis (in the catechcsis of youth) attention has been paid to their quality and quantity. Finally, forming the audiovisual mentality in the catechized and making the set-up has been suggested.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/teologiatheologyteologia pastoralnapastoral theologykatechetykacatecheticskatechezacatechesispolski program katechetycznyPolish catechetical programmeśrodki audiowizualneaudiovisual aidspodręcznikihandbooksnauczanie religiiteaching religionnauczanieteachingkatechizacjacatechizationtelewizjatelevisionŚrodki audiowizualne w ramach polskiego programu katechetycznegoAudiovisual Means within the Framework of the Polish Catechetical ProgrammeArticle