Cuda, Jerzy2023-08-292023-08-292013Roczniki Teologii Fundamentalnej i Religiologii, 2013, T. 5 (60), s. 69-95.2080-8534 translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Maria Kanty.The subject of interest in the article is the problem of human identity, in which there is a possibility of discovering a postulate of complementarity of “existence” and “understanding”. Hermeneutic interpretation of that complementarity is confronted by the question whether it is possible to understand human identity in its historical existence. Philosophical hermeneutics, being conscious of how complex the process to find the answer might be, points out the indispensability of the “conversation” category. Conversation is not only a “tool” defining human existence but also its essence. Searching for conversations (cosmological, anthropological, theological) in the complementarity of pluralism, a human being receives a certain information, while existing in the structure of a hermeneutic cycle (a part – a whole). The information includes a message that human identity, the cognizance of which are not fully embraced by spatial and temporal boundaries of history, is a historical promise and a task. Rationality of man's decision is expressed by a theological triad: I hope that what I believe in I realize by love.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland problematyki rozmowyrozmowaistnienierozumieniezamienność pojęć istnienie i rozumieniekosmo-antropo-teo-logiczna komplementarność interpretacji tożsamości człowiekapoznawalność tożsamości człowieka w historiitożsamośćczłowiektożsamość człowiekaanthropo-logic of the problem of conversationconversationexistenceunderstandinginterchangeability of terms existence and understandingcosmo-anthropo-theo-logical complementarity of interpreting human identityknowability of human identity in historyidentityhumanhuman identityNadzieja poznania i realizacji tożsamości człowieka w komplementarności trzech rozmówHope of Recognition and Realization of Human Identity in Complementarity of the Three ConversationsArticle