Ledwoń, Ireneusz S.2023-07-262023-07-262002Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001-2002, T. 48-49, z. 9, s. 89-120.1233-1457http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/9578Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.The present article focuses on the central problems of contemporary theology of religion, such as the notion of religion, its origin and the relation of Christianity to other religions. The author presents with respet to the sources of religion and its the well-known Polish theologian. Rev. Marian Rusecki’s thought contained in his book Istota i geneza religii (The Essence and Origin of Religion) as well as his own views thus presenting the whole against the background of Polish and foreign theological and theological-religious literature as well as against some documents issued by Magisterium Ecclesiae. The author shows Rev. M. Rusecki’s thought as the leading one in Polish theology, particularly in the aspect of the connection between the notion of religion and its revelational origin and of clearing that notion of all the wrong connotations. He also points to the problems that require a further theological reflection as, e.g., a broader justification of the possibility of existence of an authentic God’s Revelation apart from the economy of the Old and New Testament, making the relation between the conscience and the Revelation more precise with respet to the sources of religion and its moral norms, and finally assuming an attitude towards the issue of philosophical and religious cognition of God.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/religie światareligiageneza religiichrześcijaństworeligie pozachrześcijańskierelacja chrześcijaństwo-religie pozachrześcijańskiereligioznawstwoistota religiiteologiaworld religionsreligionorigin of religionChristianitynon-Christian religionsChristianity-non-Christian religions relationshipreligious studiesessence of religiontheologyIstota i geneza religiiEssence and Origin of ReligionsChrześcijaństwo pośród religii. Wokół książki „Istota i geneza religii”Christianity Among Religions. Around the Book “The Essence and Origin of Religions”Article