Chmura, Paweł Jan2023-01-132023-01-132008Polonia Sacra, 2008, R. 12 (30), Nr 23 (67), s. 149-169.1428-5673 his “Letter to the Youth from All Over the World” in 1985, Holy Father John Paul II began it with a wish: “Always be prepared to make a defence to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you.” These words resound all the more clearly in today's world when the changes in the social sphere affect all walks of human life, including the religious life. The Polish youth at the threshold of maturity seem to be especially prone to the present social and religious transformations. The current dynamics of the religiousness of the youth can be seen relatively easily in its external dimension on the basis of an analysis of fulfilling religious practices. Such a research can constitute the basis for determining a strategy for pastoral activity.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandłodzieższkołyszkoły średniereligijnośćżycie religijnePabianicebadaniabadania empirycznekatechezakatechizacjaedukacjayouthschoolsreligiousnessresearchcatechesiseducationDynamika zachowań religijnych młodzieży różnych typów szkół średnich na przykładzie PabianicDynamics of Religious Behavior of Youth from Various Types of High Schools on the Example of PabianiceArticle