Dec, Przemysław2023-05-152023-05-152013Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2013, T. 5, s. 61-74.2081-8416 article presents literary and linguistics traits of hexameral text in Genesis 1. However, it should be noted, that most studies offer more theological interpretation of Genesis 1 than this article. It attempts to answer the question whether, on the basis of parallel texts in the Hebrew Bible, Genesis 1:1-2,4 shared a common lexical contribution with Exodus 20:8-11 and Deuteronomium 5:12-14. Furthermore, the analysis of lexemes and phraseological collocations argue that the structure of the text is based on Jewish weekly time calculations as observed in Persian Period.plAttribution 3.0 Poland ŚwięteStary TestamentKsięga RodzajuRdz 1Rdz 2językstyl literackiliteracki charakter tekstuliteraturoznawstwojęzykoznawstwogatunki literackiegatunki biblijneegzegezaegzegeza biblijnastruktura tekstuinterpretacja Bibliisynonimtautologiameryzmretorykamitologiamityfigury retoryczneanaforaBibleOld TestamentBook of Genesislanguageliterary styleliterary character of a textliterary studieslinguisticsliterary genresbiblical genresexegesisbiblical exegesistext structureinterpretation of the Biblesynonymtautologymerismrhetoricmythologymythsrhetorical figuresanaphoraJęzyk i styl Rdz 1,1–2,4. Szkic literacko-językowyLanguage and Style of Genesis 1:1–2:4. Literary and Lingusitic DraftArticle