Szamocki, Grzegorz2025-01-232025-01-232001Studia Gdańskie, 2001, T. 14, s. 99-129. logion of Mt 7,13-14 is one of the final exhortations in the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus teaches what performing of the will of God consists in. After giving all the particular norms, Jesus exhorts his listeners to practice them so that they may enter the kingdom of heaven (cf. 7,21). The activity of entering the kingdom of heaven is described as entering through the narrow gate. The exhortation to pass through it (7,13a), which is the principal part of the logion, is given force by two pictures: the wide gate and the broad way (7,13bcd), and the narrow gate and constricted way (7,14). In each of these pictures the way runs through the gate, so that the activities of passing through the gate and passing along the way are one and the same. The function of the gate and that of the way complement each other. The fact that two gates and two ways exist forces one to choose. The wide gate and the broad way enjoy the greater popularity because passing through/along them is easy. That choice has, however, tragic consequences – total destruction. The choice of the narrow gate and the constricted way, and passing through/along them, guarantees that one will find true life. But this choice is not popular. It is the choice of a life that is faithful to the teaching of Jesus, a life in which there may be some difficulties and afflictions because of one's union with Christ. Such a way of life involves following Jesus and being his disciple. It is to such a life that Jesus exhorts in the words: „Enter through the narrow gate". The narrowness of the gate may discourage one from deciding to pass through it, but on this decision depends the eschatological future of those who have been called.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychchrześcijaństwoKrólestwo NiebieskieBibliaPismo ŚwięteNowy TestamentEwangeliaEwangelia według św. MateuszaMtMt 7perykopabramaciasna bramadrogaJezus ChrystusKazanie na Górzeegzegezaegzegeza biblijnabiblistykaChristianityKingdom of HeavenBibleNew TestamentGospelGospel of Matthewpericopegatenarrow gateroadJesus ChristSermon on the Mountexegesisbiblical exegesisbiblical studiesChrześcijańskie wchodzenie do królestwa niebieskiego na podstawie Jezusowego wezwania „Wchodźcie przez ciasną bramę!...” (Mt 7,13-14)Article