Mojek, Stanisław2023-08-292023-08-292002Roczniki Teologiczne, 2002, T. 49, z. 3, s. 115-133.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.The belief that “God is love” (1 J 4, 8) leads to the conclusion that the new commandment of love is the fundamental law of human perfection and the rule of transformation of the world. Those who believe God’s love also believe that the effort directed at restoration of universal brotherhood is not in vain. Charitable love is in the centre of the new evangelisation and is a great sign that leads to faith in Gospel and to building a society fit for human dignity. Putting charitable love into effect allows all the parish community to actively participate in Christ’s royal, prophetic and priestly authority, contributing to development of human community, to the sense of growing solidarity, brotherhood and quality of Christian life. Hence an adequate formation is very important, taking into consideration the contribution of the Christian family, catechesis, liturgy and Caritas as an institution first of all educating the whole parish community to actively and charitably love the neighbour, to work for the poor and with the poor.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland formy ubóstwaopcja na rzecz ubogichformacjaformacja wspólnotowawolontariatwychowanie w rodzinierodzinawychowaniewspółpraca z ubogimiwspółpracaodpowiedzialnośćubóstwomiłośćduszpasterstwoduszpasterstwo parafialnepoverty-strickennew forms of povertyoption for the poorformationcommunity formationvoluntary workeducation in the familyedukacja w rodzinieupbringing in the familyfamilyupbringingco-operation with the poorcooperationresponsibilitypovertyloveministryparish pastoral careFormacja do czynnej miłości miłosiernej bliźniego w duszpasterstwie parafialnymFormation for Showing Charitable Love of the Neighbour in Parish PastorateArticle