Czaja, Andrzej2023-08-292023-08-292002Roczniki Teologiczne, 2002, T. 49, z. 2, s. 157-176.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.The world is full of anxiety, uncertainty, conflicts, terrorism, and escalation of evil; the sense of injustice is always growing stronger, i.e. in the use of natural goods and the goods produced by human society. Such being the situation, the Church means a great chance. By virtue of God’s resolution, the Church is a wonderful gift for the world. It constitutes a sacrament of salvific unity (cf. K.K 9), that is, a sign and tool of the communion between man and God, and among people. As such, it may and should become a leaven, means, and pattern for building a peaceful co-existence and civilization of love in the world. This poses an enormous task for those who constitute the fellowship of the Church, the task to make the Church a home and school of communion (cf. NMI 43). This task results from the very essence of the church communion, and calls for the propagation of the spirituality of communion. One should incessantly accept the gift of Christ, the fullness of His grace and truth, which by the power of the Holy Spirit He conveys in the revealed word of God and the Sacraments. Only in this way can the divine-human communion and the communion among people be made present. It is much more permanent and vivid, for it participates in God’s life. Its propagation requires that its members be evangelically committed, concerned about apostolic identity, their own sanctity, and reconciled with others.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandściółeklezjologiacommunioduchowość komuniieklezjologia communioduchowośćteologiasakramentykomuniaświatChurchecclesiologyspirituality of communionecclesiology of communiospiritualitytheologysacramentscommunionworldKościół – sakrament zbawczej komunii dla świataThe Church as the Sacrament of the Salvific Communion for the WorldArticle