Charytański, Jan2023-08-162023-08-161978Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1978, T. 25, z. 6, s. 5-25. article offers a review of various trends treating catechesis as a way of reciting the Word of God. Beginning with the post-Trent and neoscolastic catechesis the author discusses variations of the problem of biblical catechesis, i.e. the Bible in catechesis, either ensuing or co-existing. The article does not aim to present a new theory or a new concept of catechesis as the recital of the Word of God, all such theories being of fragmentary, insufficient or transient character. Their survey, however, permits to discern certain organic continuity of the study and enriches our view of the service of the Word, revealing several aspects and levels within the problem of recital. The article aims to demonstrate the dependance of the understanding of the service of the Word upon the current self-awareness of the Church, particularly the role of the laity in the life of the Church’s faith and her mission in the world. The more the role is emphasized, the more forms of catechesis depart from the classical catechism. It is also the author’s intention to stress the temporal determination of the problem of the Word recital and the resulting fragmentary and one-sided character of any solutions. Such an opinion nesessitates more comprehensive view of any search or suggestion as well as a more creative attitude founded upon the analysis of the actual catechetical situation. Thus, the author discusses the following topics: the interrelationship of catechetical and biblical catechesis, recital in biblical catechesis, the so-called ’exegetical catechesis’, and newer anthropological tredns in solving the problem of the Bible in catechesis. The discussion presented in the article concerns largely catechesis in German-speaking countries. Since biblical catechesis, however, has many outstanding representatives there the solutions suggested by the writers may be applied to other countries as well.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandługa słowaministry of the wordposługaserviceprzepowiadaniepreachingKościółChurchsłowowordSłowo BożeWord of Godkatechizmycatechismskatecheza biblijnabiblical catechesiskatecheza egzegetycznaexegetical catechesisnauczanie religiiteaching religionnauczanieteachingteologia pastoralnapastoral theologyKatecheza posługą słowa w KościeleCatechesis at the service of the word in the ChurchArticle