Cyrek, Olga2023-03-142023-03-142012Studia Paradyskie, 2012, t. 22, s. 7-25.0860-8539 article describes the pastoral and missionary activities undertaken by the early medieval monks, and the first organizers of the monastic life. At first hermits prefer to stay alone and away from human settlements. However, over time have taken a broader evangelizing activity not only in the close vicinity, but also in distant areas. Pastoral activity manifested itself in the writing and preaching, which gave a good example of Augustine of Hippo and Caesarius of Arles. It also was associated with converting the pagan Europe and involved carrying out the mission. In particular, Irish monks made pilgrimades for evangelization. The most famous was the abbot Columbanus the Younger, who worked in the area of Gaul, and his disciples evangelized the Germanic areas. While the monks from the area of Europe undertook missions overseas areas. Contributed to this Pope Gregory the Great, who began exstensive missionary campaign in the British Isles.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland w.V w.VI w.VII w.średniowieczeMiddle Agesduszpasterstwoministrymisjemonasticismmnisimonksżycie zakonnemonastic lifeklasztorymonasterieszakonyorderszakonnicyfriarsorganizatorzy życia monastycznegożycie cenobitycznecenobityzmAktywność pastoralna i misyjna wczesnośredniowiecznych mnichów i pierwszych organizatorów życia monastycznego od IV do VII w.Pastoral and missionary activity of monks in the Middle Ages and the early promoters of the monastic life from the fourth to the seventh centuryArticle