Piwowarski, Władysław2023-12-192023-12-191988Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1988, T. 35, z. 6, s. 5-20.0035-7723http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/12134Democracy is in fashion in the life of societies and states and what is more, it is widely supported by the social documents of the Church. It is less spoken about, however, in relation to the Church life. The cause of this can be found in the lack of consequence in applying the principle of subsidiarity to various domains of the Church life. First, the author points out that the principle of subsidiarity is, generally speaking, an important ethical-social principle. It is, then, applied not only to lay structures, but also to religious. Then he goes on to discuss the Church as God's People and to distinguish in it – Ecclesia ut mysterium and Ecclesia ut societas. The principle of subsidiarity should be fully applied to the latter kind. Eventually, he discusses three particular problems, ie human person and in direct structures within the Church, the Church and public opinion, the Church and the world. In all these cases he attempts to make the principle of subsidiarity more concrete in the Church life. He wants to indicate the direction of the postconciliar reform. The Church declares subsidiarity, that is to say, ancillariness, but both expressions mean something different. In view of the principle of subsidiarity, serving others is based first of all on inciting initiative and responsibility "at the bottom" and on completing and coordinating activity "from above".plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/pomocniczośćsubsidiarityzasada pomocniczościprinciple of subsidiaritydemokratyzacja życia kościelnegodemocratization of Church lifedemokratyzacjademocratizationwspólnotacommunityKościółChurchlud BożyGod's peopleczłowiekhumanosoba ludzkahuman personopinia publicznapublic opinionświatworlddemokracjademocracyżycie kościelneChurch lifeZasada pomocniczości a demokratyzacja życia kościelnegoThe principle of subsidiarity and democratization of the Church lifeArticle