Janowski, Marek2024-10-212024-10-212007Studia Ełckie, 2007, T. 9, s. 277-289.1896-6896https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/22137The preparation to a conscious life of the Eucharist is the main element of the Christian initiation. The First Holy Communion is one of the up-worked traditional, ritual, and ceremonial form in the Polish pastoral ministry as well as a determined model of the liturgical formation, that during the last century was extended in a ceremonial aspect including temple, school catechesis, and social life of the family. The valuation of characteristic features of the model received in the parochial pastoral ministry today as well as of attempts to deritualize such a traditional practice with an emphasis on a formative and educational aspect of the preparative cycle of the First Holy Communion day is a scientific purpose of the research project. The research project also aims at up-working a new model of the First Communion ministry that focuses on the closely united with the liturgy evangelizing catechesis, that directs a child and his or her family to the catechumenal process that stimulates the bonds with Christ and the Church. Such the preparation is based on principles of liturgical mystagogy, and on combined with them stages of symbolical scrutinies, ie. on determined types of the liturgical prayers. In spite of the catecheses for children there are also ones for the adults within so-called post-baptism catechumenate. The problem of catechumenal participation of the whole family in the First Communion initiation of child is an example of the new sacramental evangelization as being realized already in many countries of the Western Europe.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychteologiatheologyteologia pastoralnaduszpasterstwosakramentysacramentsKomunia ŚwiętaHoly CommunionPierwsza Komunia ŚwiętaFirst Holy Communionkatechumenatcatechumenatedorośliadultsprzygotowanie do sakramentówpreparation to the sacramentsprzygotowanie do Pierwszej Komunii Świętejpreparation for First Communioninicjacja chrześcijańskaChristian initiationObrzędy chrześcijańskiego wtajemniczenia dorosłychRites of the Christian Initiation of Adultspastoral theologyministryNowy model duszpasterstwa pierwszokomunijnego oparty o założenia rytuału: „Obrzędy chrześcijańskiego wtajemniczenia dorosłych”A New Model of the First Communion Pastoral Care Based on Presuppositions of the Ceremonial: „Rites of the Christian Initiation of Adults”Article