Skreczko, Adam2024-08-192024-08-192012Communio, 2012, R. 32, nr 4 (180), s. 128-142.0208-7995 article aims at the presentation of the phenomenon of heroism of the witnesses of Christian faith in the contemporary world. Every historical period needs such heroes. The author focuses especially on the cases of the martyrs of the Second World War, the victims of anti-Christian persecutions of the 21th century and persons who have achieved sanctity in the circumstances of everyday life, e.g. as married couples and parents. The examples under discussion show that everyone is called to be a witness of the faith, to the point of martyrdom.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 PolandświadectwotestimonywspółczesnośćKościółpresentChurchświadectwo wiarytestimony of faithprześladowanie za wiarępersecution for the faithświadkowie wiarywitnesses of faithświadekwitnessHeroizm współczesnego świadectwa w KościeleArticle