Dura, Adam2023-03-102023-03-102009Studia Paradyskie, 2009, t. 19, s. 11-19.83-7077-134-3http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/4933The article focuses on the problem of coexistence of ethnic minorities (Muslims) in the countries of Western Europe. This coexistence generates some problems, also in the axiological dimension. Islamic minorities bring their own moral customs, religious tradition and even law into democratic European countries with their Christian roots. It causes the possibility of social and axiological conflicts. The author defends the thesis that taking axiological dialogue on the basis of conscience may reduce the scale of the problem. The article is closed with the author’s remark on the difficulty of problem facing the European countries at the very start of the 21th century.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/sumienieconsciencedialogdialoguedialog aksjologicznyaksjologiaaxiologyfilozofiaphilosophyetykamoralnośćethicsmoralityspołeczeństwosocietyspołeczeństwo wielokulturowewielokulturowośćmulticulturalismwartościvaluesSumienie jako podstawa dialogu aksjologicznego w społeczeństwie wielokulturowymConscience as a basis for axiological dialogue on a multicultural societyArticle