Stala, JózefVodičar, Janez2023-04-172023-04-172018The Person and the Challenges, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 181-193.2083-8018ł w języku niemieckim.This article examines the processes of transformation of European societies in XXI century, taking into consideration especially factors of post-modernity, globalisation and strong social changes. Post-modernity affects all societies, but particularly those new societies in transition. Authors take the broad concept of “post-modernity” as being important for all societies that have experienced transformation in their political, social, cultural, economic, educational and religious spheres following a political shift from socialist to democratic government. The processes of social transformation affect people living in them strongly, in particular in their identity and relationships.deAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland societypostmodernismpostmodernitysocietyglobalizationsocial changestransformationEuropepostmoderne GesellschaftPostmoderneGesellschaftGlobalisierungsoziale Veränderungenspołeczeństwo ponowoczesnepostmodernizmponowoczesnośćspołeczeństwoglobalizacjazmiany społecznetransformacjaEuropaDer Umbruch in den modernen GesellschaftenTransformation of Contemporary SocietiesArticle