Dyk, Stanisław2023-11-152023-11-152005Roczniki Teologiczne, 2005, T. 52, z. 8, s. 329-349.1233-1457http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/11538Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.In Chapter II of Acts, and particularly in the pericope Acts 2:14-41, St Luke included a profound theology of God’s Word, preached and listened to. Luke’s message should find its place in the contents of homily preaching that should be based on a Biblical source. The fragment (Acts 2:14-41) was the first reading in the liturgy of God’s Word on Easter Monday (year A, B, C) and on the Third and Fourth Easter Sunday of year A. Analysis of the published homilies has shown that the kerygma about the salutary dimension of God’s Word had been almost completely neglected by Polish preachers. The basic conclusion from the present study is then the call to consider Luke’s kerygma about God’s Word preached and listened to in homily preaching in Poland. In the contents of the homily it should be stressed that the Holy Spirit is the source, the power and the “Translator” of God’s Word. The truth may not be omitted that preaching God’s Word is at the same time preaching Christ Himself. In the proclaimed God’s Word one can meet the living Christ and experience salvation. Preachers should also emphasize that God’s Word, despite its salutary power, requires opening on the side of the man, that is, it requires proper listening. God’s Word heard and accepted in the proper way bears fruit of faith and a lasting conversion. It is also a source of blessing, inclusion into Jesus’ spiritual family and it contributes to building the Church.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/polskie przepowiadanie posoboroweprzepowiadanie posoborowekerygmatPięćdziesiątnicazesłanie Ducha Świętegowydarzenie pentekostalneDz 2, 14-41głoszenie Słowa Bożegosłuchanie Słowa Bożegozbawcza moc Słowa Bożegoprzepowiadanie homilijneprzepowiadaniehomiliakazaniakaznodziejstwoteologiaSłowo BożeDzieje ApostolskieNowy TestamentBibliaPismo ŚwiętePolish post-conciliar preachingpost-conciliar preachingkerygmaPentecostPentecostal eventpreaching the Word of Godlistening to the Word of Godsalutary power of God’s Wordhomily preachinghomiletical preachingpreachinghomilysermonstheologyWord of GodActs of the ApostlesNew TestamentBibleGłoszenie kerygmatu o zbawczym wymiarze Słowa Bożego (Dz 2, 14-41) w polskim przepowiadaniu posoborowymThe Kerygma about the Salutary Dimension of God’s Word (Acts 2:14-41) in Polish Post-Council PreachingArticle