Jasiewicz, Arkadiusz2022-10-182022-10-182011Premislia Christiana, 2010-2011, T. 14, s. 107-121.0867-308http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/1537St. John Climacus also known as John of the Ladder, John Scholasticus and John Sinaites, was a 7th century Christian monk at the monastery on Mount Sinai. Of John’s literary output we know only the Climax (Latin: Scala Paradisi) or Ladder of Divine Ascent, composed at the request of John, Abbot of Raithu, a monastery situated on the shores of the Red Sea, and a shorter work To the Pastor (Latin: Liber ad Pastorem), most likely a sort of appendix to the Ladder. The Ladder describes how to raise one's soul and body to God through the acquisition of ascetic virtues. Climacus uses the analogy of Jacob's ladder as the firamework for his spiritual teaching. The intention my article is to try characterize the teaching of Saint John Climacus about the spiritual director. In the Ladder there are five ingredients that constitute a spiritual director. “Five basie roles” are Doctor, Counselor, Intercessor, Mediator and Sponsor.plAttribution 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/pl/kierownictwo duchoweJan KlimakKościółkierownicy duchowiNowy TestamentBibliaPismo Święteapostołowieuczniowiemodlitwalekarzechorobalekarstwoteologiateologia historycznaspiritual guidanceChurchNew TestamentBibleapostlesstudentsprayerdoctorsmedicationtheologyhistorical theologyModele kierownictwa duchowego u św. Jana KlimakaModels of Spiritual Direction in Saint John ClimacusArticle