Zaborowski, Marek2023-01-132023-01-132008Polonia Sacra, 2008, R. 12 (30), Nr 23 (67), s. 331-361.1428-5673 Catholic church in reference to different Churches and the denominational Communities in the light of decisions Council of Vatican II from special regard the communicatio the in the sacris The consequence of the council doctrine of the Church and adherence to It is also a new approach to the participation of the non-catholic Christians in sacraments. This approach is different from the one found in the Code of Canonical Law from 1917. The message of Vatican Council II about the Church is based on two documents: Pastoral Constitution on the Church in contemporary world Gaudium et spes and Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen gentium. The article above reveals the teaching of the Council of Vatican II concerning the Church and adherence to It for our better understanding both the post-conciliar and code rules which refer to the participation in sacraments. The following analysis enables us to understand the changes of legal regulations regarding communicatio in sacris, since the issue of the Church teaching and the one of sacramental participation are interrelated.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 PolandściółKościół katolickiwspólnoty wyznaniowesobórsobór watykański IIcommunicatio in sacrischrześcijanieniekatolicychrześcijanie niekatolicydokumenty Kościołaencyklikakonstytucje apostolskieprawo kanoniczneChurchCatholic ChurchcouncilVatican IISecond Vatican CouncilChristiansnon-CatholicsChristians non-CatholicsencyclicApostolic Constitutionscanon lawKościół katolicki w odniesieniu do innych Kościołów i Wspólnot wyznaniowych w świetle postanowień Soboru Watykańskiego II ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem communicatio in sacrisCommunicatio in sacris in the Light of the Resolutions of the Council of Vatican IIArticle