Slawik, Jakub2023-05-152023-05-152014Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2014, T. 6, s. 117-130.2081-8416 a broad opinion in biblical theology that the Old Testament views the world and social life in a very positive way this paper shows that its texts are far more critical of the human life. The social criticism of the prophets, disappointment for the lack of any moral order in the world in the wisdom’s traditions and first of all reflections in both stories of the creation of the world (Gen 1-3) read in their context prove that people’s life pictured in the Old Testament is very hard in every dimension of the life: religious, social and in respect of the nature. Reading the stories of the creation not as historical reports but as a sort of literature according to their form we can not claim that once in the beginning the world was perfect.plAttribution 3.0 Poland ŚwięteStary TestamentświatżyciekrytykaBógstworzeniestworzenie świataprofetyzmtradycje mądrościoweBibleOld TestamentworldlifecriticismGodcreationcreation of the worldprophetismwisdom traditionsNajlepszy ze światów? Starotestamentowa krytyka Świata i Ludzkiego ŻyciaThe Best World? Criticism of the World and Human Life in the Old TestamentArticle