Kowalczyk, Mirosław2023-09-112023-09-112003Roczniki Teologiczne, 2003, T. 50, z. 2, s. 69-79.1233-1457http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/10632Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.The context of socio-political transformations in Europe is an evidence that there are no philosophical grounds for social unity. There is a need to properly understand social unity itself as a unification within the frameworks of pluralism, its foundations and sources. Now. social unity must co-exist with social pluralism, since otherwise it grow's into totalitarianism. It must have philosophical grounds as well. For Christianity such grounds are in God revealing Himself as One Essence in the Trinity of the Persons, therefore as the most perfect model of community. The Holy Trinity is a living programme for human community. The latter should be modelled on the community of the Divine Persons. It is the personal structure of man that enables the realization of this programme, the structure that is enriched by the grace of Jesus Christ as God Incarnate.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/jednośćjedność społecznazjednoczenie EuropypluralizmTrójca Świętaspołeczność Osób Bożychspołeczność ludzkaEuropachrześcijaństwospołecznośćprzemiany społeczneprzemiany polityczneunitysocial unityunification of EuropepluralismHoly Trinitycommunity of the Divine Personshuman communityEuropeChristianitysocietysocial changespolitical changesOsoby BoskieDivine PersonsspołeczeństwoChrześcijańskie źródła jedności EuropyThe Christian Sources of the Unity of EuropeArticle