Hołub, Grzegorz2025-02-042025-02-042009Studia Gdańskie, 2009, T. 25, s. 129-146.0137-4341https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/27243The technical possibility of carrying out transplantations of different human organs is usually associated with their scarce availability. Two solutions are put forward in order to deal with the issue: acquiring organs via a free market or sensitizing people to donation of organs as gifts. In the article these two proposals are considered with a special emphasis on the philosophical concepts of the person and his/her body which are presupposed in them. Critical examination reveals that a human body is an integral part of the person, hence cannot be treated as a commodity. Bodily organs can be treated, however, as a gift of one person to another. The logic of gift, then, is more adequate to who the person is, and it should influence people’s attitudes concerning organ donation.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychtransplantacjatransplantacja narządóworgany ludzkiepozyskiwanie organówczarny rynekrynek organów ludzkichhandel organamiczłowiekosobacielesnośćantropologiatransplantationorgan transplantationhuman organsacquiring organsblack markethuman organ marketorgan traffickinghumanpersoncorporealityanthropologyO dwu sposobach pozyskiwania organów do transplantacjiOn Two Manners of Acquiring Organs for TransplantationArticle