Białowąs, Anna2024-12-202024-12-202018Scriptura Sacra, 2018, R. 22, s. 273-277.1428-72182391-9396 ilustracje.In September 2015, the members of the Student Research Circle at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Opole participated in a seminar dedicated to the biblical rhetorical analysis organized by the International Society for the Study of Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric (RBS) at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Students together with Rev. Professor Roland Meynet dealt with the rhetorical analysis of the Hebrew text of the ascending psalms. A year later, in September 2016, members of the Student Research Circle once again took part in the seminar on biblical rhetorical analysis. This time, in the classes conduct ed by Rev. Professor Jacek Oniszczuk (Director of the Department of Biblical Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome), students analysed the Greek text of the Gospel of Saint John. Then, the whole group took part in the Fifth International RBS Conference. On December 22, 2017, members of the Student Research Circle received the tragic news that Fr. Jacek Oniszczuk died in the Gran Sasso mountains in Italy, buried by an avalanche. We will remember him as a smiling, modest and helpful person, committed in his work. It is an honour for us that we had a chance to meet him.plCC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkachKoło Naukowe Teologów Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiegobiblijna analiza retorycznaanaliza retorycznaretorykaretoryka biblijnateologiateologia biblijnaPismo ŚwięteBibliahebrajska analiza retorycznahebrajska retoryka biblijnaanaliza tekstów biblijnychteksty biblijneseminaria naukoweAcademic Circle of Theologians of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Opolebiblical rhetorical analysisrhetorical analysisrhetoricbiblical rhetorictheologybiblical theologyBibleHebrew rhetorical analysisHebrew biblical rhetoricanalysis of biblical textsbiblical textsacademic seminarsTak to się zaczęło (sprawozdanie)This is how it startedArticle