Żywica, Zdzisław2024-12-162024-12-162008Scriptura Sacra, 2008, R. 12, s. 79-94.1428-72182391-9396https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/25625In view of the exegesis of Section Mat 21,23-22,14, it may be legitimately assumed that in Matthew’s mind, the pericope Mat 21,23-27 serves as the introduction to the Little Gospel built on the basis of three of Jesus’s parables (Mt 21,28-22,14), addressed to the leaders of the people of Israel in the church. It constitutes a much abridged version of the entire Gospel of the Kingdom, which demonstrates the very essence and idea of the mission, teaching and activity of St John the Baptist and Jesus. It is delivered by Jesus on the site of Jehova’s “residence", which is also the place where the religious elites of Jerusalem exercise their power over the people, i.e. in the religious and spiritual heart of the Israeli people. Now, they can also directly, straight from the very source, learn the whole truth about the new and current Will of God (“seeing and hearing”), to see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears, and understand with their own heart and convert themselves to heal them (Mat 13,25). Jesus does that in order to accomplish everything that is just (Mat 3,13). From the message it can be clearly inferred that it is not ὁ λαός (“the Jewish people with its religious leaders”), but τό ἔθνος − “the Nation” − “the Church” − that will be the heir of the eschatic Kingdom of God, which comes along with Jesus of Nazareth − the son of David − the King of Israel − the Son of God, unless He produces the dignified fruit of conversion, manifesting itself through the profession of faith in Him and the acts of justice (Mat 3,8; 5,16).plCC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkachMała Ewangelia JezusaMała EwangeliaJezus Chrystuselity JerozolimyEwangelia według św. MateuszaBibliaPismo ŚwięteNowy Testamentbiblistykaegzegezaegzegeza biblijnateologiateologia biblijnaMt 21Mt 22Little Gospel of JesusLittle GospelJesus ChristJerusalem elitesGospel of MatthewBibleNew Testamentbiblical studiesexegesisbiblical exegesistheologybiblical theologyMała Ewangelia Jezusa skierowana do elit Jerozolimy według Mateusza 21,23-22,14Little Gospel of Jesus addressed to Jerusalem’s elites according to Matthew 21,23-22,14Article