Rozynkowski, Waldemar2023-08-292023-08-292002Roczniki Teologiczne, 2002, T. 49, z. 4, s. 5-15.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.The proceedings of the Universal Lateran Council of the Church took place from 1st to 30th November 1215. It was a twelfth council in succession and went down in history under the title Lateran Council IV Pope Innocent III (1198-1216), one of the most prominent popes in the history of the Church, initiated the council. It was the biggest council in the Middle Ages. Although the debates were only one month long, nevertheless many essential questions were discussed then. Two canons, 21 and 51, which directly concerned parishes and their place in the organization of religious life were passed. The council threw new light on the three sacraments; confession, the Most Holy Sacrament and marriage. Obviously, it did not discuss their validity, but added new elements in their ministry. The conferral of these sacraments has since then been connected exclusively with a parish, therefore the conciliar resolutions exerted influence on the image of the parish: thus the process of closing pastoral districts was completed; the sense of fellowship with a parish was strengthened; sacramental practices were changed: the position of parochial clergy was enhanced and the very parish as a unity of pastoral influence received support. The consequences of the decisions of Lateran Council IV were of long term. Usually, conciliar resolutions found response in the Church, yet not all of them concern directly all her members. And such was the case with Lateran Council. Let us suffice the fact that conciliar orders are today part of the Church Commandments and constitute the foundation of her discipline. Yearly confession and Holy Communion are until today a basic criterion of faithfulness and reliability of Catholics, and they are to make them different from infidels or non-believers.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland kościelnaparafieorganizacja parafialnasobór laterański IVśredniowieczesobórśredniowieczna organizacja kościelnażycie religijneżycie religijne w średniowieczużycie sakramentalneżycie sakramentalne w średniowieczuduchowieństwokapłaniparishesparish organisationFourth Lateran CouncilMiddle Agescouncilreligious lifereligious life in the Middle Agessacramental lifesacramental life in the Middle AgesclergypriesthoodsakramentysacramentsChurch organisationmedieval Church organisationIV Sobór Laterański (1215) – jego znaczenie dla organizacji parafialnejLateran Council IV (1215) – its Significance for the Parochial OrganizationArticle