Derdziuk, Andrzej2023-08-292023-08-292002Roczniki Teologiczne, 2002, T. 49, z. 3, s. 173-186.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.The article tackles the question of nineteenth and twentieth century aids for confessors written by Capuchin moralists. The problems of the penance sacrament dominated in moral theology for many centuries. The first works in this field include penance books and confession sums. Also in the period of manualistics, e.i. of publishing great moral theology handbooks, aids for confessors were written. A keen interest in the problems of confession in the Capuchin order resulted in publishing numerous works devoted to confession. Among Capuchins there were charismatic confessors considered as such by the Church. As an illustration of the issue the present article discusses three works designed for confessors. The first one was written by I. Rossi of Ajaccio and is a sort of encouragement for gaining knowledge. The author also supplies a lot of information about performing the duty of confessor. The next handbook for confessors was written by Francisco of Gorizia and it has an original form; namely, the material designed for confessors is arranged in tables. The work by Francois of Barbens contains a broad outline of problems from the field of psychology that are encountered when hearing confessions. The Capuchin moralist in a competent way discusses a lot of questions connected with this issue. All the works were contained in the current of aids, written also in other circles where moral theology was practised.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland moralnahistoriasakrament pokutypomoce dla spowiednikówzakonykapucynisakramentypokutaspowiedźspowiednicyXIX w.XX w.theologymoral theologyhistorypenance sacramentaids for confessorsordersCapuchinssacramentspenanceconfessionconfessorsKapucyńskie pomoce dla spowiedników w XIX i XX wiekuCapuchin Aids for Confessors in the 19th and 20th CenturiesArticle