Hršak, EvaKovač, Jernej2024-12-042024-12-042023The Person and the Challenges, 2023, Vol. 13, No. 2, p. 247-263.2083-8018 article investigates the historical aspects of physical violence in intimate relationships. The primary purpose is to illustrate the legal aspects and emotional dynamics of physical violence in intimate relationships, focusing on differences in perspective of various historical eras. We analyzed the Istanbul Convention, which represents a base document for preventing physical violence in domestic environments. In addition, we have analysed curriculum in kindergarten. We have discovered that the topics from the Istanbul Convention are incorporated in the kindergarten.enCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychviolencephysical violenceintimate relationshipsrelationshipshuman rightslegislationIstanbul Conventionhistorypartner violencedomestic violenceviolence preventionviolence against womenprzemocprzemoc fizycznastosunki intymnezwiązkiprawa człowiekaustawodawstwoKonwencja Stambulskahistoriaprzemoc partnerskaprzemoc domowazapobieganie przemocyprzemoc wobec kobietLong Way to the 2014 Istanbul Convention: Its Role and SignificanceArticle