Kieniewicz, Piotr H.2023-11-302023-11-302006Roczniki Teologiczne, 2006, T. 53, z. 3, s. 141-151.1233-1457ścił / Summarized by Piotr H. Kieniewicz.Rubella is a serious viral decease, which can deeply harm an unborn child, if and infection of the mother takes place during the first trimester of her pregnancy. To prevent such a situation a number of vaccines were developed, and their use practically eliminated this decease in the USA. The problem is, that those vaccines were developed basing on WI-38 and MRC-5 cell-lines, provided from the directly aborted human embryos. In June 2003 a pro-life organization “Children of God for Life” sent a letter to cardinal J. Ratzinger with the question on morality of the use of questioned substances. In provided two years later response of the Papal Academy “Pro Vita”, a conditional affirmation was given. The article discusses arguments on the topic, questioning also some of them.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland moralnainżynieria genetycznamoralnośćbioetykaszczepionkiaborcjaetyka badań naukowychdziecidzieci nienarodzonetheologymoral theologygenetic engineeringmoralitybioethicsvaccinesabortionetyka badań biologicznychethics of biological researchethics of medical researchetyka badań medycznychethics of researchchildrenunborn childrenGdy nie ma innego wyjścia... Wobec stosowania szczepionek opracowanych przy wykorzystaniu linii komórkowych uzyskanych z abortowanych płodów ludzkichWhen There Is No Way Out... Considering Use of the Abortion-Connected Rubella VaccinesArticle