Gerbron, Cyril2024-09-062024-09-062019Communio, 2018, R. 38, nr 3-4 (203-204), s. 269-289.0208-7995ł w języku francuskim.The purpose of this article was to show the eschatological dimension of frescos from Orvieto. They were created in the years 1499-1504 and were made by Lucas Signorelli, who created a series of frescoes in the chapel of San Brizio in Orvieto. He presented in them the History of Antichrist, Paradise, Hell and the Resurrection of the bodies. The artist included in this work an even richer collection of the classic act. In the Resurrection o f the body, he studied deeper anatomical problems, in the literal sense of the word, as he presented human skeletons in various poses. Below, in the frieze, the ancient poets and Dante were portrayed. Around these portraits, Signorelli placed monochrome medallions telling about the most important events from the lives of poets.frAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandłoczyścieczmartwychwstanieantychrysthistoria sztukisztuka sakralnaLuca SignorellisztukaeschatologyfrescoesOrvietoheavenhellpurgatoryResurrectionAntichristart historysacred artarteschatologiefresquesLes fresques de Signorelli a OrvietoFreski z Orvieto Lucasa SignorelliegoLucas Signorelli’s Frescoes from OrvietoArticle