Mojek, Stanisław2023-10-112023-10-112004Roczniki Teologiczne, 2004, T. 51, z. 3, s. 91-106.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.In the light of God’s Word and the teaching of the Church today a preferential option for the poor is a constitutive dimension and the basic criterion for life and mission of the Church. Choosing the poor agrees with the Gospel, as it is based on the fundamental attitude of Christ, who made the poor the first addressees of the Gospel, although it was meant for all people; in the poor He saw the privileged carriers of the values of God’s Kingdom. God’s People received from Christ His salutary Word and Eucharist, owing to which the Church is alive and it carries out its mission. Congruency between the Word, the sacrament and love is the crucial criterion of the authenticity of Christian life. Eucharist and the Word that make up the Church, join all its members into one body, opening them to their brothers, especially the poor ones and the ones in need, and giving them formation for the poor lifestyle, for building “the civilization of love”.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 PolandóstwoubodzyEucharystiaopcja na rzecz ubogichnowe formy ubóstwaformacjaformacja wspólnotowawspółpracawspółpraca z ubogimicywilizacja miłościmiłośćsakramentyewangelizacjawspólnotapovertypoverty-strickenEucharistoption for the poornew forms of povertyformationcommunity formationcooperationcooperation with the poorcivilization of lovelovesacramentsevangelizationcommunityEucharystia źródłem formacji do realizacji preferencyjnej opcji na rzecz ubogichEucharist as a Source of Formation for Realizing a Preferential Option for the PoorArticle