Klimek, Jan2023-01-092023-01-092007Polonia Sacra, 2007, R. 11 (29), Nr 21 (65), s. 83-114.1428-5673http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/2882Zawiera aneks.The Catholic Church was persecuted in many ways in the territories incorporated to the Soviet Union in 1939. It was also the time when God called many great witnesses to Gospel. Among them, Henryk Mosing, an outstanding scholar, physician, great social worker and lay apostle and since 1961 also a zealous priest, deserves special mention. His life motto was: Vitam perdidit qui nemini prodidit. He was an exceptionally humble man who avoided all kinds of popularity. As a priest he worked in strict conspiracy. Hence, there are very few reference sources documenting his personal life and apostolate. The majority of texts refer to his scholarly activity. And yet, this apostle of very difficult times worked in three fields. He was an outstanding bacteriologist who earned himself worldwide recognition, one of the founders of modern ricketsiology. He was greatly devoted to his doctor profession. At the same time, his whole life is marked by zealous apostolate, first as a lay person, and then as a priest of the Roman Catholic Church. He was the man who not only tried to understand suffering as a doctor, but one who experienced it. He repeatedly said to his friends that they should not pray or him and wish him good health. Instead they should pray that he wouldn't waste the gift of suffering. On November 13, 1999 he officiated his last Mass. The next day he suffered internal hemorrhage. For almost two weeks he couldn't eat and even drink. Priest Henryk Mosing passed away on November 27, 1999 at 21:50 after saying a rosary with those who watched over him.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/KościółKościół katolickikapłaniduchowieństwoZSRRZwiązek Radzieckihistoriahistoria Kościołabiografiaapostolatduszpasterstwolekarzeformacjaformacja duchowaformacja intelektualnasłużbaChurchCatholic ChurchclergypriesthoodUSSRSoviet UnionhistorybiographyChurch historyapostolateministrydoctorsformationspiritual formationintellectual formationserviceKs. Henryk Mosing (1910-1999) naukowiec, lekarz i kapłanHenryk Mosing (1910-1999), scholar, doctor and priestArticle