Turowski, Wojciech2024-02-192024-02-192011Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne, 2011, T. 2 (58), s. 239-255.2080-6337http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/13281Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia / Summary translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.A homily consists of many components, e.g. the situational context, the relation between the preacher and the listener, the language that is used, the use of symbols and signs as means of expression. Contemporary preachers manage all this very well, structuring good homilies both in their contents and form. However, such preachers are also encountered who look like they have never heard about certain problems belonging to the homiletic technique, or who show a lack of consolidated practical skills. This is why there is a need to point to certain aspects of homiletic didactics. In the article attention is paid to contextuality of the homily, its expressiveness and impressiveness, and the image-symbolic form of preaching; also, the theological aspect of preaching is not omitted. Drama as a didactic attempt to search for solutions that will result in efficient preaching is thoroughly discussed. Drama used for the goals of homiletic didactics opens new horizons of looking at well-known Biblical pericopes, views, evaluations and people’s opinions in a new way. Active participation in drama allows a student of homiletics who takes part in it to experience something exceptional that may be a motive for creative work on a homily and on preparing an interesting catechesis. Drama teaches a homiletics student to work with the listener. Using it in homiletics classes develops the sensibility to different interpretations of the same content made by the participants in the drama, and it shapes the expressiveness and impressiveness of the future preachers of God’s Word. Using this method in classes probably will contribute to educating a good generation of “God’s heralds”.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/dramaprzepowiadaniekaznodziejstwohomiliadydaktykametodametoda aktywizującaekspresjasymbolobrazkonteksthomiletykapreachinghomilydidacticsmethodexpressionimagecontexthomileticsactivating methodDrama w dydaktyce homiletycznej jako nowy sposób wspomagania skutecznego przepowiadania Słowa BożegoDrama in Homiletic Didactics as a New Form of Supporting Efficient Preaching of God’s WordArticle