Pabiańczyk, Michał2023-02-092023-02-092017Veritati et Caritati, 2017, T. 8, s. 163-179.2354-0311 article addresses the question of religious awareness within the formation of The Family Covenant Community Mamre. Sources on which article is based are coming directly from the community web site and the material that Mamre uses. Questions were raised regarding the religious consciousness formed within the formation and its ecclesial identity. The pastoral and the juridical aspect of the existence of the faithful associations within the Church have been taken into account. The concurrence of the goals of the mission of evangelization was considered. At the end religious awareness of the spirituality formation and charism of the Mamre community was espoused in order to show sense of existence this community of families within the Church and its mission of evangelisation.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandświadomośćtożsamośćformacjaświadomość religijnatożsamość religijnaeklezjalnośćtajemnicawspólnotamisjaWPR Mamreawarenessidentityformationreligious awarenessreligious identityecclesialitymysterycommunitymissionFCC MamrerodzinafamilyŚwiadomość religijna rodzin w ramach formacji we Wspólnocie Przymierza Rodzin MamreReligious Awareness of Families within the Framework of Formation in the Community of Family Covenants “Mamre”Article