Mrozek, AndrzejSzmajdziński, Mariusz2022-10-102022-10-102015Gloriam praecedit humilitas, 2015, s. 447-465.978-83-65209-12-2 idea of earth’s edge is found in three Ugaritic poems (KTU 1.4.viii.1-6;; 1.16.iii.1-6). It is compressible in the context of local cosmology and forms an element of the organized space. This idea is opposed to the center of the earth (Gr. omphalos), and had formed the important point of contact with other parts of the cosmos. The Ugaritic world is composed of water, heaven, earth and underworld. The borders, in this case the earth’s edges, are guarantors of durability and order. They are far away from the center and achievable only by the divine messengers.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland ugaryckakosmologiakraniec ziemioceanomfalosposłańcyUgaritwykopaliskamitologiajęzykoznawstwokresgranicaUgaritic cosmologycosmologyearth’s edgeomphalosmessengersoceanexcavationsmythologylinguisticsendborderarcheologiaarcheologyIdea krańca ziemi na tle ugaryckiej kosmologiiThe Idea of Earth’s Edge in the Light of the Ugaritic CosmologyArticle