Naplocha, Anna2024-11-252024-11-252019Studia Ełckie, 2019, T. 21, nr 1, s. 85-100.1896-68962353-1274 purpose of this article is to present a way of showing loneliness in two separate literary works. In the novel, The Solitude of Wolves by Marek Harny, the main character is Marek Nowicki. The discourse on the individualʼs loneliness towards traumatic experiences with wolves related to their childhood and for the Polish-Ukrainian conflict of the twentieth century is taken into account. A similar theme is included in the title reportage – The Wolf Hunter – written in the form of a literary duo by Christoph Ransmayr and Martin Pollack. Such a report shows the experience of loneliness and helplessness of the Ukrainian, Vasil Borsuk, against the resettlement campaign called “Vistula”. The next part of the article presents a historical outline of the Polish-Ukrainian conflict in the Bieszczady Mountains as well as the aspects of characters’ life resulting from this conflict which make up the loneliness experienced by them. In addition, attempts have been made to prove that wolves which are inseparably connected with the lives of characters, are not just a background to the events of their lives, but constitute a kind of allegory of their fate.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychlonelinesswolfPolish-Ukrainian conflictsamotnośćwilkkonflikt polsko-ukraińskikonfliktyPolacyUkraińcyPolish peopleUkrainiansMarek HarnySamotność wilkówChristoph RansmayrMartin PollackPogromca wilkówBieszczadyBieszczady MountainsosamotnieniesolitudemetaformaUPAUkraińska Powstańcza ArmiaUkrainian Insurgent ArmyMetaforyczne znaczenie wilka w kontekście samotności i osamotnienia bohaterów utworów „Samotność wilków” Marka Harnego oraz „Pogromcy wilków” Christopha Ransmayra i Martina PollackaThe Metaphorical Significance of the Wolf in the Context of the Feeling of Solitude of the Characters of “The Solitude of Wolves” by Marek Harny and “The Wolf Hunter” by Christoph Ransmayr and Martin PollackArticle